As a continuation from my post last week... Making plans, taking baby steps, and reminding yourself each day of where you're heading is really important. The trick is not to write some random goals on the back of a Chinese take-out menu and then just shove it in a drawer and forget about it. You want to keep the dream alive and in front of you. Hang your goals on your bathroom mirror, or in your sound booth, or on your fridge. Just put them where you'll see them daily. The next step is doing one small task each day toward achieving these goals. Baby steps. One email, one phone call, one extra audition. Whatever it is, just do it. 2014 is just around the corner, but the truth is each day is a new day. Each moment is a new moment. And you can hit the re-set button anytime you want. But ya gotta have a game plan.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself that will help get you off to a good start:
did you make progress with in 2013?
are you most proud of achieving during 2013?
are three goals you want to work toward in 2014?
steps are you going to take to achieve goal #1? #2? #3?
what’s your #1 goal that seems too big or too scary to even write down? In other words, what would blow your
mind if you accomplished it? What
do you really want?
Write that one here:
This is a little reminder just
for YOU… Put this where you’ll see
it every day. You got this.
steps. ;-)
This is great Melissa, thank you. The thing I'm most proud of achieving in 2013 is finding you as my mentor and having you as a friend. :)